Realtime Messages With WebSockets
It’s easy to set up WebSockets with Suave.
First, define a function that takes WebSocket
and HttpContext
typed parameters, and returns a socket computation expression:
open Suave.Sockets
open Suave.Sockets.Control
open Suave.WebSocket
let ws (webSocket : WebSocket) (context: HttpContext) =
socket {
Next, use the read
and send
function to receive and send messages to the clients:
socket {
let mutable loop = true
while loop do
let! msg =
match msg with
| (Text, data, true) ->
let str = UTF8.toString data
let response = sprintf "response to %s" str
let byteResponse =
|> System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes
|> ByteSegment
do! webSocket.send Text byteResponse true
| (Close, _, _) ->
let emptyResponse = [||] |> ByteSegment
do! webSocket.send Close emptyResponse true
loop <- false
| _ -> ()
Then, use the handShake
function to fit it in your web server:
let app : WebPart =
choose [
path "/websocket" >=> handShake ws
GET >=> choose [ path "/" >=> file "index.html"; browseHome ]
NOT_FOUND "Found no handlers." ]
Also, handShakeWithSubprotocol
can be used to support WebSocket subprotocol
To support a specific subprotocol, use builtin function chooseSubprotocol or write your own choose function
open Suave.Sockets
open Suave.Sockets.Control
open Suave.WebSocket
let ws (webSocket : WebSocket) (context: HttpContext) =
// here, webSocket.subprotocol should be Some "test"
socket {
let customize (subprotocol : string) (requestSubprotocols : string []) (ctx : HttpContext) = async {
let subprotocol = .... // subprotocol choose logic
return Some subprotocol
let app : WebPart =
choose [
path "/websocket" >=> handShakeWithSubprotocol (chooseSubprotocol "test") ws ]
The complete example can be found here.
Handling connection errors
By default the socket computation expression handles any errors transparently on both writing and reading from the websocket shutting down the connection.
You may want to add your own additional error handling logic to catch and handle any errors raised when reading and writing from a websocket. Some scenarios where this may be useful:
- Alerting the rest of the application that a connection is closed.
- Unsubscribing and/or shutting down processes used by the websocket connection.
- Custom logging of the error.
Example code can be found here.